Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis Seminar  RSS


Paulo Amorim 04/07/2024, 15:00 — 16:00 — Room P4.35, Mathematics Building Instituto Superior Técnico
, Escola de Matemática Aplicada, Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV EMAp, Rio de Janeiro

Predator-prey and epidemiology models using transport equations

I will present some models in ecology and epidemiology using a transport equation approach, so called structured models. The first models are of predator-prey type and include a variable hunger structure. They take the form of nonlocal transport equations coupled to ODEs. Then, we use a similar approach in an epidemiological model including disease awareness and variable susceptibility. We show well-posedness results, asymptotic behavior, and numerical simulations. This is joint work with C. Rebelo, A. Margheri, and P. Lafargeas.

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