second series                                             

                                                                                                IST COURSES ON ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY *



                                                                                                First  series :  Techniques of  algebraic geometry

                                                                                                                   Lisbon,  3-5 May 2004


                                                       Barbara Fantechi (SISSA) :          AN INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRAIC STACKS  

                                                        Rita   Pardini (Univ. Pisa) :          ABELIAN COVERS OF ALGEBRAIC VARIETIES

Support :  Project "Classification of complex algebraic surfaces ",  (POCTI/MAT/44068/2002),
                Centro de Análise Matemática, Geometria e Sistemas Dinâmicos.


Monday 3
Tuesday 4
Wednesday 5
11h-12h30  (Pardini)
9h30m-11h (Pardini)
9h30m-11h (Pardini)
14h30m-16h (Fantechi)
11h15m-12h45m (Fantechi)
11h15m-12h45m (Fantechi)

Location: Departamento de Matemática, Instituto Superior Técnico
                 Room P3.10, Post Graduation Building


Organization: Margarida Mendes Lopes (


  * This  course is the first  of a series aimed at graduate students in the area of algebraic geometry and researchers of other areas.
     The second  series with the title " Degeneration techniques in algebraic geometry" will be held in September 2004, 13-17 with lecturers Ciro Ciliberto and Rick Miranda.